Web Design & Development

Whether you need a basic informational site, an author or influencer site, an e-commerce site, or an online course or membership site, we’ll build and manage an easy-to-use website that will serve you and your customers well. Below are samples of some of our recent projects. Click on any of the images to visit the sites.

Course and Membership Sites

We built and manage this site for online educator Dwane Thomas. Dwane teaches languages to hundreds of students throughout the US via a monthly membership plan. Students can participate in live classes, watch prerecorded classes, take quizzes and tests, and participate in forums. 

This is a great example of how a well-built site quickly pays for itself. Since we redesigned this site, its revenues are up by over 30%. In addition, we cut the owner’s tech headaches by 100%. His days were previously spent solving tech problems for frustrated customers. Now he’s amazed at the free time he has.

Business Sites

Whether you have a small local business or a company that serves customers worldwide, we’ll create a site worthy of your brand and reputation.

Stradivo produces top-quality products for sophisticated brands, providing its clients with overseas manufacturing solutions that take the stress out of doing business internationally.

Educational Sites

Student Patterns  helps students find their best major or career field based on their personality type. This site includes sophisticated survey functions for users, identifying a student’s personality type and then providing tailored recommendations based on their answers.

They’ve helped thousands of students navigate the bewildering process of finding a career path that will fit them well. 

Author & Influencer Sites

Whether you’re a consultant, author, influencer, speaker, etc., we can build a site that represents you well, sells your products, schedules your appointments, and automates your customer followup. 

We built this site for author Arnold Pent, who also had us handle the Amazon publishing of his book, and his Audible audio book production. 
